Ero sivun ”Käyttäjä:Masa” versioiden välillä

Siirry navigaatioon Siirry hakuun
(Add some extensions)
(Update weather extension URL)
Rivi 59: Rivi 59:
(* dead?)
* (old URL:

===== Installed, not in use: =====
===== Installed, not in use: =====
Rivi 76: Rivi 75:
(* dead?)

=== Gnome 3 extension configs ===
=== Gnome 3 extension configs ===

Versio 2. maaliskuuta 2013 kello 22.47

masa on noob.

masa on myöskin sähkötekniikkaa "opiskeleva" noob.

masa ylläpitää omaa palvelintaan, jonka nimi on tällä hetkellä dual. dualilla pyörii irssi, webbiserveri, pellettipolttimen logitussoftat ja suurelle yleisölle on tarjolla 24/7 toimiva Hard-vaikeustason KillingFloor-palvelin. Suunnitelmissa on tarjota lisää pelipalvelimia, kunhan joskus saan paremman nettiyhteyden kotiin.

Swap the left and right channels with pulseaudio

( )

Copy /etc/pulse/ to ~/.pulse/, and add the following two lines to the end:

load-module module-remap-sink sink_name=reverse-stereo master=1 channels=2 master_channel_map=front-right,front-left channel_map=front-left,front-right set-default-sink reverse-stereo

Restart PulseAudio by running pactl exit at the command line.

This configuration makes a few basic assumptions: that the card you're reversing the channels of is card 0; that you only have to deal with 2 channels; and that those channels are called front-left and front-right. If you have a videocard with HDMI out, it is likely the analog out of your motherboard will be card 1, not 0; so master=1.

Gnome 3 keyboard shortcuts

dconf-editor -> org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings

Get rid of the annoying sub-window thingies

Open: dconf-editor
Browse to: org -> gnome -> shell -> overrides -> attach-modal-dialogs
And set it to: false

Fix the clock

dconf-editor -> set show-date and show-seconds to true

Add the minimize button

gnome-tweak-tool (Advanced Settings)
Shell -> Arrangement of buttons on the title bar

Gnome 3 application shortcuts/names/icons (with shell search)

Add and edit *.desktop files located in:

Gnome 3 extensios and configs

Installed, in use:
Installed, not in use:
Not installed but interesting etc:

(* dead?)

Gnome 3 extension configs

Evil Status Icon Forever

~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ /*****************************************************

* Statuc Icon Settings

// Add application you want it shows thier notification status // icon on top bar to the following list.

// You may use top/htop to find out the name of application.

var notification = [

   'pidgin',       // Pidgin IM Client
   'hime',         // HIME Imput Method Editor
   'dropbox',      // Drop Box
   'linuxdcpp',    // LinuxDC++
   'mail-notification',// mail-notification
   'firefox',          // Firefox with FireTray
   'skype'             // Skype

// 'deadbeef', // Deadbeef Music Player // 'gcin', // GCIN Chinese Input Method // 'thunderbird-bin', // Thunderbird-bin (Gentoo binary package) // 'thunderbird', // Thunderbird // 'firefox-bin', // Firefox-bin (Gentoo binary package) // 'workrave', // Workrave // 'gajim', // Gajim // '', // Wicd-gtk ]

// Add which built-in status icon you want to remove in the // following list. //

var removeStatusIcon = [

   'a11y',         // Accessibility
   // 'volume',
   // 'battery',
   // 'keyboard',
   // 'bluetooth',
   // 'network'



* Don't touch anything below!


git clone git:// gnome-shell-extension-weather.git cd gnome-shell-extension-weather.git git checkout gnome3.4 ./ --prefix=/usr make sudo make install

gsettings set unit celsius gsettings set wind-speed-unit m/s gsettings set city Lappeenranta gsettings set show-sunrise-sunset true gsettings set woeid FIXX0040

Gnome 3 default applications

nano /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache nano ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list

For default file manager, have this: inode/directory=nautilus.desktop;Thunar-folder-handler.desktop;

Some useful commands

Record an area from the screen

Record a region from screen, with audio (can be used to record for example Minecraft). Shows the region outlines to align the window. ffmpeg -f x11grab -show_region 1 -r 25 -s 1280x720 -i :0.0+500,80 -c:v libx264 -preset fast -crf 22 -f alsa -i pulse -c:a libvorbis -b:a 96k -threads 0 -f matroska sda6/minecraft_withertaistelu_overview_2012-11-24_2.mkv

Another sometimes useful option fo x11grab:
-follow_mouse centered|<PIXELS>

When it is specified with "centered", the grabbing region follows the mouse pointer and keeps the pointer at the center of region; otherwise, the region follows only when the mouse pointer reaches within PIXELS (greater than zero) to the edge of region.

Encode images into a (timelapse) video

ffmpeg -f image2 -i ms_all/shot_%06d.png -r 25 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 25 -an -threads 0 -f matroska rakennustapahtuma_2012-11-03_crf25_medium.mkv

Random shell scripts

Safely shutdown a SATA hard drive (spins it down). Umount first! Usage example: scsiremove /dev/sdb

/usr/local/bin/scsiremove (needs sys-block/scsiadd and sys-fs/lsscsi):

  1. !/bin/sh

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then

       echo "Usage: $0 <device>"
       exit 1


if ! which lsscsi >/dev/null 2>&1; then

       echo "Error: lsscsi not installed";
       exit 1


if ! which scsiadd >/dev/null 2>&1; then

       echo "Error: scsiadd not installed"
       exit 1


device=`lsscsi | grep $1`

if [ -z "$device" ]; then

       echo "Error: could not find device: $1"
       exit 1


hcil=`echo $device | awk \ '{split(substr($0, 2, 7),a,":"); print a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]}'`

scsiadd -r $hcil

Merge together video files in matroska containers (needs media-video/mkvtoolnix).


  1. !/bin/bash

ALL="empty" DSTDIR=${1} FILES=${2}

for i in $(ls ${FILES}*) do

       if [ "$ALL" = "empty" ]; then
               ALL="${ALL} + ${i}"


  1. COMBINED=$(basename $FIRST | sed "s/\.mkv/_all.mkv/")

COMBINED=`basename ${FIRST} | sed "s/\.\([a-zA-Z0-9]\{1,10\}\)$/_all\.\1/"`

if [ -f "${DSTDIR}${COMBINED}" ]; then

       echo "Error: the target file already exists!"


  1. echo "mkvmerge $ALL -o ${DSTDIR}${COMBINED}"

mkvmerge $ALL -o ${DSTDIR}${COMBINED} touch ${DSTDIR}${COMBINED} -r ${FIRST}

Encode videos into matroska container, with Ogg Vorbis audio and h.264 video (with x264 library). Needs media-video/ffmpeg, media-libs/libvorbis and media-libs/x264.

  1. !/bin/bash

SRCDIR=/home/masa/Media/Fraps/Fraps/ DSTDIR=/home/masa/f/

SAVEIFS=$IFS IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")

for i in $(ls ${SRCDIR}javaw*avi)

  1. for i in $(ls ${SRCDIR}KillingFloor*avi)
  2. for i in $(ls ${SRCDIR}*.avi)
  3. for i in $(ls ${SRCDIR}Terraria*avi)


  1. DST=$(echo ${i/avi/mkv})
  2. DST=$(echo ${i/ /_})

i=$(basename $i | sed "s/^\.\///")

  1. DST=$(echo $i | sed "s/avi/mkv/" | sed "s/ /_/g")
  2. DST=$(echo $i | sed "s/mpeg/mkv/" | sed "s/ /_/g")

DST=$(echo $i | sed "s/\.[a-zA-Z0-9]\{1,10\}$/\.mkv/" | sed "s/ /_/g")

  1. echo "$i -> $DST"
  1. Tämä on se perinteinen:

ffmpeg -i ${SRCDIR}"${i}" -c:a libvorbis -b:a 96k\ -r 25 -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 25 -threads 0\ -f matroska ${DSTDIR}${DST}

chown masa:masa ${DSTDIR}${DST} chmod 644 ${DSTDIR}${DST} touch ${DSTDIR}${DST} -r ${SRCDIR}"${i}"


A script I used to symlink multishot screenshots into linearly increasingly named ones for ffmpeg encoding:

  1. !/bin/bash
  1. echo "?: $? #: $# 0: $0 1: $1 2: $2"


if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then exit 1 fi

for i in `ls $1` do for j in `ls -tr ${1}/${i}` do num=`echo "${num} + 1" | bc` #echo "$j -> ${num}" #printf "$j -> shot_%06d.png\n" ${num} name=`printf "shot_%06d.png\n" ${num}` #echo $name #echo "ln -s /home/masa/ms/${i}/${j} /home/masa/ms_all/${name}" ln -s /home/masa/ms/${i}/${j} /home/masa/ms_all/${name} done done

HDD/SSD/Filesystem check and repair related stuff

  1. Run a read-only badblocks test on a ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem

e2fsck -c -v /dev/sda7

  1. Run a non-destructive read-write badblocks test on a ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem

e2fsck -c -c -v /dev/sda7

  1. Show the list of known bad blocks on a ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem

dumpe2fs -b /dev/sda7
(A local copy is found in /data/softa/text/tutorial/badblockhowto.html)

Webcam stuff

Get the software here:

  1. !/bin/bash

DIR="/home/masa/ware/webcam/fswebcam" CONFIG_NIGHT="/home/masa/.fswebcam_config_night.txt" CONFIG_DAY="/home/masa/.fswebcam_config_day.txt" COUNTERFILE="/tmp/fswebcam_counter.txt"

  1. TIMESTAMP=`date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"`
  2. FILENAME="webcam_${TIMESTAMP}.jpg"


if [ -f "${COUNTERFILE}" ]; then COUNTER=`cat ${COUNTERFILE}` COUNTER=`expr ${COUNTER} + 1`

  1. let COUNTER=${COUNTER}+1
  2. COUNTER=$((${COUNTER}+1))


  1. COUNTER=1

COUNTER=`ls ${DIR}/webcam_*.jpg | wc -l` COUNTER=`expr ${COUNTER} + 1` fi

echo -n ${COUNTER} > ${COUNTERFILE} FILENAME=`printf "webcam_%07d.jpg" ${COUNTER}`

  1. echo ${FILENAME}
  2. exit

cd ${DIR}

  1. Use separate configs for day and night so we can adjust the number of samples
  2. we take and interpolate, because night time shots have more noise.
  3. During winter, consider hours between 16..08 as night (= dark).

if [ "`date +%H`" -ge "16" ] || [ "`date +%H`" -le "08" ] then /usr/local/bin/fswebcam -c ${CONFIG_NIGHT} ${FILENAME} else /usr/local/bin/fswebcam -c ${CONFIG_DAY} ${FILENAME} fi

cd ${PWD}


  1. config file for fswebcam
  1. Device

device v4l2:/dev/video0

  1. Input

input 0

  1. Palette to use

palette MJPEG

  1. Resolution

resolution 1280x720

  1. The number of frames to capture and interpolate
  2. 2 for day, 4 for night

frames 4

  1. Number of frames to skip when starting capture

skip 15

  1. Delay (in seconds) after opening the device
  2. delay 2
  1. Continually capture images with interval of 60 seconds
  2. loop 60
  1. Offset when loop recording
  2. offset 1
  1. Draw the banner at the bottom of the screen


  1. Select the font to use and a size

font /usr/share/fonts/corefonts/verdana.ttf:14

  1. Set the main title
  2. title Title text


  1. Set the subtitle
  2. subtitle Subtitle text


  1. Set the info text
  2. info Info text


  1. Banner colour
  2. banner-colour #40263A93

banner-colour #FF000000

  1. Separator line colour
  2. line-colour #00FF0000

line-colour #FF000000

  1. Text colour

text-colour #00FFFFFF

  1. Enable or disable text shadow


  1. no-shadow
  1. Set the timestamp format

timestamp "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

  1. Select the image format and compression level

jpeg 85

  1. png 9
  1. Set some controls

set "Power Line Frequency"="50 Hz"

  1. Set the log file
  2. log fswebcam.log

Filter out cron messages from /var/log/messages (using syslog-ng logger)

In /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf, add and change:

  1. Create a filter:

filter f_croninfo { level(info) and not facility(cron); };

  1. for example before the line:

destination messages { file("/var/log/messages"); };

  1. Add the following and comment the original line

log { source(src); filter(f_croninfo); destination(messages); };

  1. log { source(src); destination(messages); };

The most important configs for a Funtoo installation

/etc/portage/package.use: app-misc/gentoo -nls -fam app-misc/tracker -applet app-portage/eix -deprecated app-portage/layman -bazaar -cvs git -mercurial -subversion app-text/lcdf-typetools kpathsea # for texlive dev-embedded/openocd ftdi segger usb versaloon dev-java/sun-jdk nsplugin dev-lang/python sqlite dev-libs/folks eds # +eds for folks required by gnome-contacts via Gnome 3.4 upgrade dev-libs/libxml2 icu # chromium (via deps?) needs +icu dev-util/cmake -qt4 dev-vcs/git gtk tk gnome-base/gdm -fallback gnome-base/gnome -fallback gnome-base/gnome-vfs -gnutls gnome-base/gvfs cdda gdu -udisks mail-client/mail-notification gmail imap pop ssl media-gfx/blender -ffmpeg # compilation fails with ffmpeg support enabled, probably because of ffmpeg -> libav change (??) media-libs/freetype -infinality kpathsea -lcdfilter # kpathsea for texlive; -lcdfilter for cairo (2012-09-03); -infinality for Gnome 3.4 upgrade clean-up; infinality and lcdfilter enabled 2012-10-27 for better fonts; screw that, disabled again 2012-10-30 media-libs/fontconfig cleartype -lcdfilter # -lcdfilter for these required by world update via some deps (2012-07-23); cleartype added 2012-09-03 via cairo dep; lcdfilter enabled 2012-10-27; disabled 2012-10-30 media-libs/libpng apng # unofficial animated PNG support for ff 4.0.1 media-libs/libtheora encode

  1. media-libs/mesa g3dvl llvm vdpau video_cards_intel

media-libs/mesa -gallium -g3dvl -llvm -xorg -xvmc -xa gbm -gles1 -gles2 video_cards_i965

  1. media-libs/x264 -10bit

media-plugins/alsa-plugins pulseaudio media-plugins/audacious-plugins -ffmpeg media-sound/audacity id3tag vamp media-sound/rhythmbox -cdr -gnome-keyring -lastfm media-video/avidemux -amr -qt4

  1. avx for Core i5/i7:

media-video/ffmpeg aacplus amr avx celt gsm faac network vaapi vdpau vpx media-video/libav amr celt gsm faac vpx media-video/mkvtoolnix -qt4 -wxwidgets media-video/mplayer amr openal pvr vaapi vdpau win32codecs media-video/projectx java6

  1. media-video/x264-encoder -10bit

net-analyzer/vnstat gd net-dns/dnsmasq -nls net-im/empathy -geocode # Gnome 3.4 upgrade related clean-ups net-im/pidgin -gstreamer gnutls net-im/skype qt-static net-libs/gtk-vnc gtk3 net-libs/xulrunner java -networkmanager net-misc/openssh -ldap net-nds/openldap sasl # required on world update: cxx? ( sasl ) sci-visualization/gnuplot -pdf plotutils sys-apps/hal -crypt sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility fat sys-block/parted device-mapper sys-devel/gcc -gtk sys-devel/gettext cvs git # avoid recompile by world updgrade (2012-09-03) sys-fs/udev extras sys-libs/zlib minizip # required by chromium upgrade (2012-11-15) virtual/udev gudev hwdb # required by gst-plugins-v4l2 -> ... -> pitivi (2012-12-05) x11-base/xorg-server -hal x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel sna uxa x11-libs/cairo cleartype directfb -lcdfilter x11-libs/libdrm libkms video_cards_intel

dev-db/sqlite fts3 secure-delete # required by firefox-3.6 www-client/firefox java -networkmanager

cross-msp430-unknown-elf-gnu/binutils -selinux cross-msp430/msp430-gdb dev-embedded msp430-gdb cross-msp430/insight dev-util insight cross-msp430/msp430-binutils -selinux -multilib cross-msp430/msp430mcu -selinux -multilib cross-msp430/msp430-libc -selinux -multilib cross-msp430/msp430-gcc -fortran -openmp -selinux -boundschecking -d -gtk -gcj -libffi -mudflap -objc -objc++ -objc-gc -multilib

cross-avr/avr-libc -selinux multilib cross-avr/binutils -selinux multilib cross-avr/gcc -fortran -selinux -boundschecking -d -gtk -gcj -libffi -mudflap -objc -objc++ -objc-gc multilib cross-avr/gdb sys-devel gdb cross-avr/insight dev-util insight


  1. dev-embedded/openocd


x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel x11-libs/libdrm

  1. x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati
  2. x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau


  1. x11-proto/xf86driproto #for mesa 2012-04-09


USE-flagit yms tärkeät muutokset /etc/make.conf:ssa: LINGUAS="en_GB" SANE_BACKENDS="niash"

CAMERAS="canon ptp2" INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse evdev" VIDEO_CARDS="i965 intel vesa"

RUBY_TARGETS="ruby18" # to limit the dependencies for mkvtoolnix

USE=" -arts -cups -eds -hal -java -javascript\ -kde -libwww -musepack -networkmanager -php -qt -samba -xmlrpc\ X a52 aac acpi alsa\ avi bluetooth bzip2 cairo consolekit dbus dga dirac dvb\ exif faac fam ffmpeg firefox flac gif gimpprint gnome\ gnome-keyring gnutls gphoto2 gtk gtk2\ gstreamer jpeg jpeg2k imagemagick imlib introspection lame lcdfilter\ lcms libnotify lm_sensors mad\ matroska mmx mmxext mp3 mpeg msn nautilus nls nptl ogg\ oggvorbis opengl pdf png policykit pulseaudio qt3support\ scanner schroedinger sdl\ speex spell sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4_1\ svg tagwriting theora threads tiff truetype unicode usb v4l\ v4l2 vorbis vpx win32codecs x264 xinerama xv xvmc xvid"

ACCEPT_LICENSE="dlj-1.1 Oracle-BCLA-JavaSE cadsoft RTCW-ETEULA skype-eula AdobeFlash-10.3"


CFLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe" CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"



FETCHCOMMAND="/usr/bin/wget -t 5 -T 60 -nv --passive-ftp -O \"\${DISTDIR}/\${FILE}\" \"\${URI}\"" RESUMECOMMAND="/usr/bin/wget -c -t 5 -T 60 -nv --passive-ftp -O \"\${DISTDIR}/\${FILE}\" \"\${URI}\""



FEATURES="ccache mini-manifest sandbox"


PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES="warn error log info qa"


source /var/lib/layman/make.conf


app-admin/conky app-admin/gkrellm app-admin/pwgen app-admin/sudo app-admin/syslog-ng app-arch/p7zip app-crypt/mcrypt app-editors/gvim app-editors/hexcurse app-misc/screen app-misc/tracker app-misc/uptimed app-portage/eix app-portage/genlop app-portage/gentoolkit app-portage/layman app-text/texlive-core cross-avr/avr-libc cross-avr/binutils cross-avr/gcc cross-msp430/msp430-binutils cross-msp430/msp430-gcc cross-msp430/msp430-libc cross-msp430/msp430mcu dev-embedded/avrdude dev-embedded/openocd dev-java/sun-jdk dev-lang/erlang dev-python/gnome-keyring-python dev-texlive/texlive-langenglish dev-texlive/texlive-langfinnish dev-texlive/texlive-latex dev-util/strace dev-util/valgrind dev-util/xdelta dev-vcs/git dev-vcs/gitg gnome-base/gnome gnome-extra/nautilus-dropbox mail-client/mail-notification media-fonts/corefonts media-fonts/freefonts media-fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera media-gfx/gimp media-gfx/gqview media-gfx/gthumb media-gfx/imagemagick media-gfx/inkscape media-gfx/wings media-libs/esdl media-libs/libgphoto2 media-libs/libtxc_dxtn media-libs/mesa media-libs/x264 media-sound/alsa-utils media-sound/audacious media-sound/audacity media-sound/mumble media-sound/paprefs media-sound/pavucontrol media-sound/pavumeter media-sound/rhythmbox media-sound/vorbis-tools media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-apps media-video/ffmpeg media-video/mjpegtools media-video/mkvtoolnix media-video/mplayer media-video/pitivi media-video/projectx media-video/x264-encoder net-analyzer/vnstat net-dns/dnsmasq net-irc/irssi net-libs/gnutls net-misc/bridge-utils net-misc/dhcpcd net-misc/ntp net-misc/openssh net-misc/youtube-dl net-p2p/linuxdcpp sys-apps/gptfdisk sys-apps/hdparm sys-apps/pciutils sys-apps/portage sys-apps/smartmontools sys-block/scsiadd sys-boot/grub-legacy sys-devel/bc sys-devel/crossdev sys-devel/gdb sys-fs/lsscsi sys-fs/reiserfsprogs sys-power/acpid sys-process/lsof sys-process/vixie-cron virtual/ffmpeg www-client/firefox www-plugins/adobe-flash www-servers/lighttpd x11-base/xorg-x11 x11-libs/libdrm x11-plugins/pidgin-libnotify x11-terms/gnome-terminal x11-terms/xterm x11-wm/fluxbox